Wednesday, November 30, 2011

So some news and some headers I can use!

---So Art Basil has started here in Miami and things are getting hectic! I've got a project coming up with a production company called Static Post, who want to do some kind of webshow about the comics/process of making them. Really awesome people so I hope it works out. Also, I am in post production of a time-lapse that I shot, illustrating the making of last week's Ike comic. It looks great so far, but going to add a few tweeks and release it later this week, maybe next.. Also, have gotten some inquiries from a few publications here in the city about doing a monthly or two, after their editors saw the blog so keep a look out! New comics coming this weekend, one panels for Dirty and some Ike stuff/short panels for SIQ.

Hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving. Actually, the whole shebang got me wondering what modern day Natives do on thanksgiving? I mean, the holiday is a pretty large scale sham to cover up the years of genocide following this hypothetical meal the Puritans had with the Natives, so what exactly goes on in the households of Natives around the country on this strange day? I'll do some investigating and write a comic about it..


Also have a new Ike Header that I will be using from now on for all the comics. The side bar bullshit was looking a bit tawdry---

Much better. Keep checking back!

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